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Asset Role Management

Learn how to audit Asset Roles, create Custom Asset Roles and more.

Josh Sinclair avatar
Written by Josh Sinclair
Updated over 4 months ago

For a user to be able to view an asset in Trendspek, they require an Asset Role. Asset roles control what a user is able to do for a single asset. This includes functionality such as:

  • Viewing Annotations

  • Creating Annotations

  • Sending PDF Reports

  • Deleting Files

Note: For a user to be able to view an asset in Trendspek, they need both an Asset Role for an asset and a Company Role within the company that owns the asset.

Trendspek provides you with three default Asset Roles as well as the ability to create custom roles. From the Dashboard, navigate to Permissions > Asset Roles

Here you will see an overview of the Asset Roles that are currently available within your organisation.

Clicking on an Asset Role from the list will expand downwards to display the Role Editor view. Here you can see what permissions the selected role contains, as well as modify the role by checking and unchecking permissions as desired. The Role User view towards the bottom of the page provides you an overview of all users that have the selected role.

To create a new role, scroll back to the top of the Company Roles page and click on Create New Role. You will need to name the role, add a description, and check any permissions you want to associate with the role. Click Save Asset Role once you are ready to create the new role.

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