You are able to upload a tiled model generated within Agisoft Metashape to Trendspek. To do this, begin by generating a tiled model.
Building a Tiled Model
We will assume you have already aligned and optimised your imagery. After that, head to Workflow > Build Tiled Model. Our recommended settings can be found below, however you may want to vary the quality parameter depending on the dataset size and compute resources available.
Source Data: Depth maps are recommended due to speed and recent quality improvements
Quality: Low or Medium is recommended unless the dataset is small or you have a lot of compute power
Pixel Size: A default value is calculated based off of the alignment tie point data. You shouldn't change this unless you have a specific need and understand what you are doing
Tile Size: We recommend 512
Face count per Mpx: We recommend Medium
Export Tiled Model
Once the tiled model has been generated, head over to File > Export > Export Tiled Model. Name the file and ensure the type is set to Cesium 3D Tiles.
Export Cameras
Head over to File > Export > Export Cameras. Name the file matrix.xml and ensure the type is set to Blocks Exchange. Ensure that Tie Points and Control Points are unchecked under the export parameters.
Important Note: Ensure the SRS is set to EPSG:4978. If you cannot find this in your list of Spatial Reference Systems, you can download it from here.
Upload to Trendspek
Start by navigating to If you are unable to access this page, you may not have sufficient privileges. Contact Trendspek Support or your account admin to confirm.
Upload the following items in one go:
the original jpg imagery
Do not drag a folder of imagery to Trendspek, instead, drag the imagery itself or use the file picker
The Trendspek team will perform a final quality control step before making your dataset available in your account. You will receive an email once it is ready,